
Why Do They Really Like Ron Paul, Gary Johnson, Mitt Romney?

As you watch the above video carefully, engage your imagination powerfully. In your mind make the following substitutions:

When you see baseball players in the background, imagine instead they are America's Founding Fathers.

When Terence Mann (James Earl Jones) says, "The one constant through all the years, Ray, has been baseball," change it in your mind to, "The one constant through all the years has been political liberty."

When Mann says, "America has rolled by like an army of steamrollers. It has been erased like a blackboard, rebuilt and erased again. But baseball has marked the time. This field, this game: it's a part of our past, Ray. It reminds of us of all that once was good and it could be again." in your mind hear instead, "America has rolled by like an army of steamrollers. It has been erased like a blackboard, rebuilt and erased again. But liberty has marked the time. This idea, this dream: it's a part of our past, Ray. It reminds of us of all that once was good and it could be again."

Then maybe watch the video yet another time, paying attention to Annie's brother, Mark, imagining in your mind that Mark (Timothy Busfield) is your ego:

When Mark says, "Ray, just sign the papers," imagine it's your ego saying, "Just give in. Don't think you can create change."

And a little later, "Ray, when the bank opens in the morning ... they'll foreclose," that's your ego saying, "It's hopeless, the political elite are too entrenched, too powerful."

And later still, "Ray, you will lose everything. You will be evicted," is your ego's final threat, "All will be lost! You will be done for!"

But don't listen to your ego.

"People will come, Ray. People will come." is the voice of your holy spirit of liberty, which resides much deeper inside than your ego.

"If you build it, they will come!" is your holy spirit calling you to build something wondrous which people will be attracted to without even knowing why.

The American Founding Fathers built something marvelous. Now in the 21st Century it's time to build something that reminds people of the Founding Father's legacy yet forgives their mistakes and expands upon their dream.

Will you build a liberty enclave similar to Galt's Gulch, yet an enclave that doesn't hide but shines in all it's glory?  Will you build a free state in which you have convinced men and women to secede from the corrupt Union?  Will you build a Restored U.S. Constitution like this one:  U.S. Constitution Restored ?

Don't listen to your ego which will guide you to drop out, hide out, perish the dream that "liberty for all" as unattainable. Don't sign your life away, as if nobody else can see what you see possible. Listen to your holy spirit heard inside, which will guide you to build something which will open people's eyes and prove irresistible to them.

Quiet your intellect and listen inside. A still, small voice is speaking to you. It is your holy spirit of liberty gently urging you to build something. People will come.

The device which more deeply prepares freedom lovers for success, A Course in Miracles , talks about our ultimate need to free ourselves from every kind of slavery:

You have been told to bring the darkness to the light, and guilt to holiness. And you have also been told that error must be corrected at its source. Therefore, it is the tiny part of your self, the little thought that seems split off and separate, that the Holy Spirit needs. The rest is fully in God's keeping, and needs no guide. But this wild and delusional thought needs help, because, in its delusions, it thinks it is the Son of God, whole and omnipotent, sole ruler of the kingdom it set apart to tyrannize by madness into obedience and slavery.

Also available free of charge online:
Course in Relationship Miracles

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