
Why Do Liberty Champions Like Ron Paul Lose Important Elections?

"Our spirit is free and wants for us outer conditions of freedom (political liberty) so it can guide us to unimaginable prosperity and well-being."

This is the liberty message that sells. This is the liberty message that resonates deep inside of people. This is the liberty message that wins the important elections.

But why would liberty lovers want to win important elections?

Because those who win elections have the power to either reduce people's political liberty [which liberty lovers don't want] or increase people's political liberty [which liberty lovers do want]. Majority rule is only tyranny of the majority if the majority votes to reduce freedom. If a majority votes to increase freedom ... that's not tyranny. If a majority of Republicans had voted for "the lesser evil" of Ron Paul in the 2008 or 2012 Republican primary elections, tyranny wouldn't have gained ground ... liberty would have gained.

But why are liberty champions always losing really meaningful elections? It cannot be because people want more tyranny. The vast majority of people are at least somewhat in touch with their spirit, which wants for them political liberty. The urge for political liberty is universal and forever rising to the surface.

The answer is, sorry to say, liberty champions do not take advantage of this natural urge in people. They do not spread a message that resonates with this urge. They do not proclaim really forcefully: "Your spirit is free and wants for you outer conditions of freedom so it can guide you to unimaginable prosperity and well-being."

Instead, liberty champions go on and on arguing about foreign wars, military bases in foreign countries, the need to legalize drugs, and a never-ending litany of other side-tracking issues. Never mind that such arguments are morally and logically correct. They are arguments which do not reach inside people and invite an experience of the fullness of their spirit. Such arguments stimulate the intellect, but do not awaken the depths of people's spirit.

Those who fought the American War for Independence were inspired. They would not have chosen to endure misery and suffering and even possibly death in order to assure that drugs would always be legal or that Americans would never have a military presence in a foreign land. But they did chose a path of suffering, of misery, of possible death because they felt as deeply as anyone the freedom of their spirit and their spirit's craving for political liberty.

Like the original Americans who favored secession from Britain, liberty lovers do feel their spirit ... otherwise they wouldn't be liberty lovers. They need only put on the back burner those arguments which don't really resonate with the vast majority of people, and start proclaiming very loud, very clear, and very often the truth which Patrick Henry and Thomas Paine helped American colonists hold in their constant awareness:

"Our spirit is free 
and wants for us
outer conditions of freedom 
so it can guide us
 to unimaginable prosperity 
and well-being."

To understand the evil psychology of modern "liberal progressives," read Ayn Rand's "Atlas Shrugged"

"God's laws will keep your minds at peace, because peace IS His Will, and His laws are established to uphold it. His are the laws of freedom, but yours are the laws of bondage. Since freedom and bondage are irreconcilable, their laws CANNOT BE UNDERSTOOD TOGETHER. The laws of God work only for your good, and there ARE no other laws beside His. Everything else is merely lawLESS, and therefore chaotic." -Jesus Christ in A Course in Miracles

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